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Tips For Keeping Your Canine Pal Fit
Is your canine companion an energetic, bouncing ball of fur? Or do you have an

Simple Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy
Kittens could be the ideal pet. They’re small, but full of personality and character, and

Ferret Care FAQS
May is Adopt A Ferret Month! This is a wonderful time to consider adopting a

Pallas Cat Day
Pallas Cat Day is a celebration dedicated to one of the world’s most enigmatic and

Dog Bite Prevention Week
Dog Bite Prevention Week always takes place during the second week of April. This is

Dog Boarding Do’s And Don’ts
Are you planning a vacation soon? Or perhaps you’re considering boarding your pet for another

Things That Would Happen If Pets Grew Thumbs
Here at Valley Animal Hospital, we enjoy commemorating all of the pet-related holidays on the

Giving Your Dog Biscuits
Biscuit time is something many dog owners look forward to, but have you ever paused

Tips On Being A Responsible Pet Owner
It’s Responsible Pet Ownership Month. Being a great pet owner isn’t just about filling your