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Simple Ways To Keep Your Cat Happy     

May 15 2024

Kittens could be the ideal pet. They’re small, but full of personality and character, and their endearing idiosyncrasies and lively antics make us smile. What does it take to keep that little motor going? In this article from Valley Animal Hospital, your Rialto, CA vet, also serving the Bloomington, CA area, a local vet answers some questions on how to keep your feline overlord content. 

What Can I Do to Keep My Indoor Cat Happy?

Cats are pretty easy keepers. Just providing Fluffy with good food, a clean litterbox, and proper veterinary care will take care of the essentials. However, it takes a little more to truly make Fluffy feel happy and safe. You will need to provide amusement, excitement, and other kitty amenities.

Here are some options:

Window Seat

We always urge that cats stay indoors. It’s far safer for them! When your furry friend steps outside, she is exposed to a multitude of hazards, including traffic, weather, wild animals, stray cats, chemicals, and, unfortunately, some humans. Kitties that are allowed outside are also more likely to get parasites and/or become lost, injured, or even killed than indoor cats.

That said, cats enjoy watching birds and squirrels and generally studying what’s happening outside. Make sure Fluffy has at least one comfortable window seat with a great view. Placing a bird feeder in her line of sight will provide her with entertainment while also benefiting nearby wildlife.


Plants not only serve to cleanse the air, but they can also make any home more appealing. Furthermore, your feline buddy will appreciate having something to gnaw on. Fluffy also enjoys sneaking out from under green leaves and pretending to be a fierce lion! 

Just stick to safer ones. The ASPCA website contains a complete list of dangerous and non-toxic plants here. (Note: Avoid lilies because they are particularly toxic to cats.)

Of course, your kitty will probably appreciate having some catnip. You can grow your own, ensuring a steady supply. (Tip: If your feline friend doesn’t like it, try giving her honeysuckle cat toys.)


No one will ever know for sure how much of our language our feline companions really comprehend, but we do know that Fluffy understands “Get out of there” and “What are you doing in there?” quite effectively. 

Talking to your feline buddy is a wonderful way to strengthen your bond with her. She may not comprehend what you’re saying (which makes her a fantastic confidante), but she will recognize and appreciate your efforts to connect with her.

Your kitty may also respond in her own unique way. Chatty cats may meow back at you. Fluffy may twitch her tail, slowly blink at you, or ‘headbutt’ you. (Then again, she may also playfully pounce on your shoelaces. You really never know with cats.)


Toys and playtime are crucial for your feline friend’s enjoyment and well-being. Your cute, cuddly pet has the heart of a lion. Kitties are natural hunters, therefore they have the instinct to pounce, jump, and scratch. These skills are crucial to their survival in the wild. Fluffy has to be able to let out her inner tigress every now and then.

Playing isn’t just a terrific way for your cat to satisfy her hunting tendencies. It’s also excellent for bonding. Taking a few minutes to hold a laser pointer for your adorable pet can go a long way toward strengthening that special bond and making your kitty feel loved. If you have multiple cats, playing with them together can help them bond, too!

Aside from that, kitty playtime can help a nervous cat acquire confidence. And if your feline buddy has a bad attitude, it’s a terrific way to let it out.

Keep in mind that each pet has different toy preferences. One cat may enjoy pursuing that elusive red dot from a laser pointer, but another may prefer ‘capturing’ catnip mice. Experiment with several options to determine what your furry friend prefers.

Cat Furniture

Our feline rulers aren’t shy about ‘borrowing’ our beds, sofas, tables, chairs, and laps when they need to nap. Fluffy will both appreciate and benefit from having some of her own belongings, though.

The cat tower, of course, is the gold standard. This is a multi-purrpose item. It provides your feline pal with a great vantage position. That is significant: cats don’t have much of a perspective from the ground level. It’s no wonder that they enjoy climbing to high places! This not only offers them an excellent vantage point, but it also allows them to gaze down on their kingdoms and subjects (that would be you) with the smug superiority that kitties excel at.

Additionally, cat towers offer a nail care station for your adorable companion. This will let your feline companion satisfy her instinct to keep her paw daggers sharp while still sparing your furnishings. Fluffy will also get some sleeping areas and a jungle gym. In addition, if you have a dog, it provides a vertical room, which she may appreciate. (We will discuss Fluffy and Fido’s relationship in another post.)

A tower does not have to cost a lot of money. You can reuse an old stepladder or shelf system. Just add wooden boards to create kitty lounging areas. Then cover with sisal rope or carpet, and tell your pet to stay off it. She’ll jump right on!

Napping Areas

Our feline friends are exceedingly drowsy, and they can nap for up to 20 hours per day. Fluff will like having several options. Store-bought beds are excellent; we recommend purchasing at least one or two. Folded blankets can also be used to cover footstools, storage trunks, and ottomans.


Last but not least, make your kitty friend feel appreciated. Speak to Fluffy, pet her, and play with her. You may also provide lap space and ear scritches to keep the motor humming.

Cats, like humans, just want to feel loved, comfortable, and safe. While it is vital to offer your furry friend toys, furnishings, and other items stated above, what is most important for her mental and physical health is developing the special link we have with our animal companions. 

While you should never push attention on a cat, Fluffy will definitely notice and appreciate  it if you take the time to chit-chat with her, pet her, and just hang out with her. This might be as simple as giving her a short forehead pat as you walk by or allowing her to nap on your lap.

Visit Your Animal Clinic Regularly

We know: given the choice, our feline friends would choose to stay home and nap rather than go to our pet hospital. Kitties are homebodies, who generally hate leaving their kingdoms. However, adequate veterinary care is critical to Fluffy’s health.

We recommend that all cats be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and have regular checkups, immunizations, and parasite management. In between visits, keep a look out for signs of illness, including vomiting, untidy fur, hiding, respiratory problems, eating changes, weight increase or loss, fever, diarrhea, and litterbox troubles. If you detect anything out of place, please contact us immediately.

Make An Appointment At Your Rialto, CA Animal Clinic

Do you have a question about your cat’s health or care? Contact us here at Valley Animal Hospital, your Rialto, CA vet, also serving the Bloomington, CA area, anytime. We are always happy to help! 

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